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  • How does it work?
    The platelets, a type of blood cells, contain growth factors that can trigger cell proliferation, speed healing and stimulate tissue regeneration in the treated area. Growth factors can speed healing and stimulate tissue regeneration in the treated area.
  • What is the cost?
  • How many sessions do you need?
    The number of sessions required ranges according to individual response, but generally 3 sessions are required. PRP Hair Restoration is a series of treatments spread out by 4-6 weeks. Each session takes approximately 45 minutes.
  • Is there any downtime or recovery needed?
    We ask you don't do any strenous activity the day of your injections. The day after your injections you may have some tenderness in your scalp but you can return to all activities.
  • What are the benefits?
    -does not require any sedation -no downtime -uses your own Platelet-rich plasma -simple procedure
  • What are the drawbacks?
    -requires blood work -requires multiple sessions -pain at injection site -requires clinic appointments -risks and possible side effects associated with PRP treatments -requires local freezing
  • How does it work?
    The hair follicles at the back of the scalp are resistant to the DHT molecule and therefore do not die in the same way the follicles at the front and top of the scalp do. This procedure is done under local freezing only. It takes 5-8 hours to complete depending on the number of follicles that are being transplanted. Because individual follicles are removed, there is no scarring at the donor site, and it avoids the old style of “plugs” that left an unnatural appearance.
  • What is the cost?
    $4 per hair follicle *Number of follicles varies from person to person*
  • How many sessions do you need?
    One session required and then possible touch ups may be needed.
  • Is there any downtime or recovery needed?
    7 days social downtime
  • What are the benefits?
    -most permanent option -yields the best results -only requires one session and results appear faster than other options
  • What are the drawbacks?
    -requires social downtime -requires local freezing and mild sedation -risks and possible side effects associated with
  • How does it work?
    AnteAGE® Hair Serum uses WNT1 stem cytokines, poly botanicals, and a cocktail of natural stimulants to overcome the quiescence of hair follicle stem cells. When applied regularly, these pure isoflavones will create an optimal environment for growth cycles.
  • What is the cost?
    $180 per kit
  • How many sessions do you need?
    The number of sessions required ranges according to individual response, but generally 6 sessions are required.
  • Is there any downtime or recovery needed?
    No downtime
  • What are the benefits?
    -no local freezing or sedation required -can be done at home and does not require clinic appointments -no downtime -simple procedure
  • What are the drawbacks?
    -risks and possible side effects associated with microneedling - room for user error -needs to be used 5 days a week -requires multiple sessions -can be tricky to perform on yourself

©2022 by Bespoke Hair MD

Transplant & Hair Loss Centre 

5-625 Fortune Crescent


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